This is article #8 in my 16 part series summarising Tauranga City Council strategy documents.
Here is my summary of the Tauranga City Council Disability Strategy 2013 (18 pages. 94Kb .pdf).
Did you know that it is estimated that 1 in 5 New Zealanders live with a long term impairment?
That’s about 22,000 people in Tauranga.
Add to that those of us who experience a temporary disability from injury or illness, and you realise that we are dealing with a significant proportion of the population.
What can we do to help people living with impairments to reach their potential and participate fully in the community?
How can we reduce the barriers they face?
This very short strategy document (18 pages), sets 4 goals and a list of actions for each goal. Continue reading “My Summary of the TCC Disability Strategy 2013”