This is article #4 in my 16 part series summarising Tauranga City Council strategy documents.
Here is my summary of the Tauranga City Council City Centre Strategy 2012 (135 pages. 22Mb .pdf).
This document was one of the biggest ones in this series: 135 pages.
I work in the city centre every day, so the city centre issues are in front of my eyes all the time. But I suspect that those of you that live and work in the self-contained suburbs of The Mount, Papamoa, Greerton and others, and rarely have cause to come to the CBD, care much less about the CBD.
But I think if we had a CBD to be proud of, all of us would share in that pride whether we made use of the area on a daily basis or not.
There are 5 sections on this document that interested me the most. Continue reading “My Summary of the TCC City Centre Strategy 2012”