“Why is TCC debt increasing to almost $1 Billion over the next 10 years?”

In this 8 minute video about Tauranga City Council debt you’ll find out:

  1. What debt is for
  2. How council debt is different from household debt (mortgages)
  3. What is causing this additional debt

“Why are TCC rates increasing by almost 10% year on year for 3 years?”

In this 6 minute video about Tauranga City Council rates increases you’ll find out:

  • What the proposed annual rates increases are for the next 10 years
  • The 5 uses for those funds

“Explain my Tauranga City Council rates invoice to me. What do all these charges mean?”

In this 6 minute video about your Tauranga City Council rates invoice you’ll find out:

  • What each charge means
  • How your land value and capital value is used in the calculations
  • Why we contribute to the BOP Regional Council
  • Fun Fact: You and I pay $1/week for the bus even if we don’t ride it!

“What Tauranga City Council services do my rates pay for?”

In this 7 minute video about Tauranga City Council rates you’ll find out:

  • That 40% of our rates are spend on water: fresh water, waste water, storm water
  • That our biggest single cost is Parks and Recreation: 21%
  • That elected members salary’s, elections, strategy, policy, building services are relatively small costs

“How can I have input into Tauranga City Council decisions?”

In this 6 minute video about Tauranga City Council decision making you’ll find out the 8 ways you can have input into council decisions (in order from least effective to most effective):

“What are Tauranga City Councillors talking about this week? Can I go and watch?”

In this 5 minute video about Tauranga City Council meetings you’ll find out:

  • Where to find the meeting calendar
  • How to find the council chambers so you can go and watch
  • How to find the background info which forms the basis of elected members decisions

“Is it true there are 3 councils in the Tauranga area? What geographical area do they cover?”

In this 4 minutes video about the 3 councils in the Tauranga area you’ll find out about:

  • Tauranga City Council
  • Western Bay District Council
  • Bay of Plenty Regional Council
  • and I’ll show you a map of the different geographic areas each council looks after