My Summary of the TCC Elders Strategy 2008

This is article #13 in my 16 part series summarising Tauranga City Council strategy documents.

Here is my summary of the Tauranga City Council Elders Strategy 2008 (12 pages. 3.3Mb .pdf).

Another short document. Just 13 pages.

The goals:

  1. Elders participate in decisions that affect them and contribute to the community
  2. Elders actively participate in recreation and leisure activities
  3. There is affordable and appropriate housing for elders
  4. There are accessible transport options for elders
  5. Support is provided to enable elders to access the Council servies they may require
  6. People of all ages have positive attitudes to ageing and elders

Did you know that 28% of us are 55+? That’s 34,000 adults. (23% in NZ).

Did you know that households with an annual income of less than $24,440 (increase this by $500 for each dependent in your house) can apply to have their entire rates invoice cancelled? Find out more about rebates and remissions.

One of the key actions was the establishment of the elders forum made up of 12 members and who met once a month since 2008.

I found very little information on the forum in recent months so I contacted the council for an update and requested meeting minutes for me to read to see what was on the agenda for these meetings.

Meagan Holmes, the Community Development Manager emailed me the following:

The Elders Forum is no longer in existence which is probably why you can’t find any information about it at the moment.  The forum last met at the end of 2015.


My team are currently doing a stocktake of the two strategies that relate to the older population.  This work is almost complete.  We have also been seeking feedback from the large number of agencies and organisations that represent and work with older people in our community to find out what form they would like to see any new older persons advisory group take if we were to re-establish one.


At this stage the feedback is pointing to a group of agency/organisational representatives that meet quarterly to discuss issues relating to older people and then provide strategic advice back to Councillors and council staff.


A decision on the two strategies and the form and role of any older persons advisory group would be made by Elected Members.

That sounds very promising and I’ll watch the progress with interest.

Your Thoughts?

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